Usually a snowstorm doesn't bother me. But this time I am on a deadline. A last day of school deadline. My mother offered up Eric Clapton tickets and a plane ride out there. How could I pass that one up? EC is my all time favorite by a landslide and anyone who knows me knows that. And a free plane trip! See, my Dad doesn't get around well anymore. He can't drive the 600 miles to get here and really can't even manage a plane ride. I saw him in November, but before that it was a whole year. I get see my mother a few times a year, but usually she comes here. It's much easier and cheaper to fly one person than for me to fly out there with the two kidsters. Hubster and I were going to take them out there this summer but if I've already been there in June, we just might skip the midwest and go somewhere a little more exciting (no offense to you midwesterners!). Hubster even arranged it with his parents to take the two kidsters on the Monday and Tuesday while he is at work.
But here is the problem...
The last official day of school (for Hubster) is the 16th, a Tuesday. The last day of preschool, or so they tell me, is the previous Thursday. They will have a cute little performance and graduation ceremony. Any snow days could push his last day precariously close to when I will be gone. The concert tickets are purchased, but not the plane tickets, yet. I think there is something Freudian going on in my brain that says wait a little while longer...
Since my last post I cast on for a bike helmet ear warmer I found on ravelry. I'm making it for Hubster, since he loves riding the mountain bike but it's so windy this time of year! Any other knitter would probably knock this thing off in an afternoon, but mine is taking a few days. And I had to rip back to the band after I cast the second pocket back on. I had done it backwards. Pay attention! Oh well, at least I have only about 15 more rows to finish. Should be done today. I'm going to try to make a second one if the yarn holds out. My mother's birthday is coming up in March and the only thing keeping her off of her bike is the cold. Another deadline...