Saturday, September 25, 2010

A math riddle

In honor of back to school I present you with a math riddle!

I bet you are thinking the riddle goes like this:
1 Hubster back to work + 1 kidster in 1st grade + 1 kidster in Preschool = mother with more time. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get that math to work out right. But I'm working on it...

No, here's our riddle for today:

2 boys + 1 old metal stool + new bathroom = n

So what does n equal?

A nervous (and somewhat poorer) knitter who knows how to make a cozy! Details on Ravelry, in case you haven't seen it already!


Nina said...

n = a very cool cozy :)

Heather at Mad Rose Creations said...

clever. so clever i say! i really like the idea.

Susan said...

Very clever! You completed changed the look of it!

Wendy said...

Oh, I love this.