Sunday, January 18, 2009

Yarn freeze

It's kind of like a brain freeze of yarn. I can't decide what to cast on next. Oh sure I have a lot of things in my queue. And plenty of yarn to do them with (like that even needs to be said). But I want to get back to knitting purses. Ok, so do it, right? Well, I've managed to make some cold weather gear for both kidsters and myself (all on my ravelry projects page). Hubster got a new coat and hasn't benefited from any coordinated knitting yet. Hmmm...

Ok, here's the real issue...
I'm a monogamous knitter. Is that even possible? Most people I hear from have three, four, even a dozen or more projects going at once. Not me. When you only get about an hour, two if I'm really having a lucky day, then you want to make it count right?


Ceci said...

Welcome to the blogiverse! (I think I just made that word up.) You said, "motherhood (I'll try to keep that to a dull, somewhat amusing, roar)" and I wanted to say that I don't mind reading cute and funny stories and sure don't mind seeing fun pictures of your kids. :) My blog started out as a knitting blog and I'm lucky if I post more than one non-kid post a month now. :P

BTW, adorable bumble bee mitts!

Anonymous said...

You're off to a really good start! Congrats on your new blog.