Happy Mother's Day! I'm a little pooped from all the party planning (and the actual party) and hopefully being pampered with pancakes and little kisses, as opposed to soggy cereal and brotherly "wrestling". So instead of some spontaneous post about my knitting I bring you a scheduled post. Sorry. I will return to regular programming next time, I promise.
More Sheep!
my last book post, I just had to find out if there is more knitting in the other "Sheep" books, and I am so glad I did! I ordered these two through my inter-library loan system.

The first one is a funny adventure but other than one tiny picture of my little friend knitting on the first page (and you have to look closely to tell) there is no other reference to our craft.

But as I suspected this one does not disappoint! The sheep are looking at a calendar of May (!) and have to go birthday present shopping (for me, perhaps?). They have their usual antics in the store and then find out they don't have enough money to pay for their present. How do you think they did it, hmm?
I love Those books will have to look for those at the library
Well since they didn't have enough money I hope they didn't "fleece" the shop keeper bbrrrump bump...no huh? I'll have to try and find these stories at our library they do look really fun
They sound great! And the illustrations must be funny too, judging from the covers! How was the party? I hope you all had a lot of fun!
Love the books 18 days till hubby returns home seems like a long time.Hugs Darcy
I love the Nancy Shaw books! Sheep in a jeep is one of my favorite :-)
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