Yes, your ever faithful monogamous knitter is doing a little two timing. On purpose.
See, the last time I went to ladies night, I brought my sage cabled purse to show off. Well, my two girlfriends just loved it and wanted their own. And they weren't just doing me lip service either, since Pat practically pulled out money right there and then. Plus, she had already said that she wanted a summer color bag. The other one I had made for her was her winter bag. So, I am adjusting the pattern ever so slightly, and trying to work on them "at the same time". I can't really show up to our next gathering with one done and the other one not, can I?
The blue one is much further along and the sit-down-at-night-keeping-track-of-your-cable-row project. (Yes, that's the cable needle necklace I won. More on that next post, I promise!)

How are you liking the cable needle necklace so far? Hugs Darcy
Ooo the cable needle necklace makes your knitting even prettier. And don't worry your secret's safe with us. We won't tell the blue one about the tan. Altho I must say I'm a lousy liar. So...if either of them asking me out right...I'm just sayin'
I have a special award for you on my blog:)Hugs Darcy
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